Factory reset

  • After changing the orientation of the display in the factory settings menu, I can no longer bring it to its original state ... I have tried several times to do a reset from the dedicated button, but I have probably blown the system ... there is it an emergency procedure that can be applied in order to change this setting or a way to return to the original state? car Nissan Qashqai j 11 2017 and dasaita max 10 with Vivid system

  • Ask for anyone that has rhe same unit as yours to export the factory settings as dmcu.ext file. This file in the same folder as  dmcu.img file (corresponding to a mcu update) and you will have the factory settings restored as the ones you had previously



    If there is no one that could send you that dmcu.ext file I could supply you one for Mazda cx5 assuming the unit is similar buy you will have to change the canbus settings to the ones for your car model. This last procedure has more risk as we can have different settings due to dufferent car models.


  • @Iker Gomez Thank you very much ... you would be kind enough to send me the file you suggested I install, at least I have a viable alternative if by chance I can't get back to the original state.  I am awaiting a response from dasaita customer service.

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