PX6 unit back screen after firmware update

  • Hi guys,

    I tried to firmware updating myHA2206-Vivid10-CP-2K unit. It came preinstalled with presumable Scout10 firmware. Hence I tried to update the firmware the USB with update.zip fil in root folder.

    All updates resulted in the unit stuck in boot. Now with the last update the unit is not even booting with just black screen (Bricked). Please help if i'm the right track to fix the unit.

    Here a log of what resulted to the unit going black:

    1. Unit was running with preinstalled Scout10 firmware (from what i remember).

    2: I create USB drive with PX6 Vivid11 firmware (telenav_vivid_rk3399_11.0_ota(20220617). Inserted into greay USB port. It asked to update. Updated and rebooted. Unit booted now booted with xx11 logo but stuct in boot with the "Dasaita" logo.

    3. I booted to recovery mode. Tried "Reset to factory". Unit booted again with xx11, but stuct with an animated "Android" logo (insted of "Dasaita" logo.

    4. Using revocery mode again and tried to update with MAX11 firmware (HA3_rk3399_11.0_ota(20220601) ). Same result as 3.

    5. Using revocery mode then tried to update with HTC Firmware (HCT8_rk3399_11.0_ota2820220412). Now the unit did not boot and was just black screen :-(

    6: Now i'm tyring to create SD Card boot disk. I created 4gb sd card using this guide: (https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/mtcd-e-android-10-upgrade-using-official-free-tools.4123933/). I succesfully created a SD bootcard based on the PX6_A10_IGV.img. But the unit is still black screen when trying to boot with the SD card inserted. (I'm using the SD card slot on the PCB board only available when removing the right side panel of the case.

    Any surgestions? :-)

    BR, Thomas

  • @Uhrskov Thomas your problem is that all the updates that are you trying (according to your description ) are for Android 11. and you have Android 10 (Vivid 10) so....go again to the recovery menu and upgrade based on a OTA file for any of the Android 10 versiones abvailable (Vivid10, Scout 10 or Max10) 

    You can NEVER upgrade the Android 10 to Android 11 by menas of OTA files....you can corrupt your boot system

  • Thanks @Iker Gomez. After step 5 description I would have tried a Android 10 OTA update, but the unit went black screen :-(

    I asume my problem now is that the boot system has been corrupt.  I can't get it to boot to revocery mode.  When turning on power the screen stays black, and when holding reset button for ~10second the touchkey LED don't blink anymore.

    How to repair the boot system?

    Currently i'm trying to create a bootable SD card using this guide:



    and using this tool and PX6_A10_IGV.img image: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/11zpgoOW4eU6G1tjs7ExsZ2aC4RoZ9KDr

    Am I on the right track? Is it a usable image?, or do Dasaita provide a boot image? (no luck finding one until now)

  • @Uhrskov Thomas you can try...my experience with the Dasaita PX6 units is that the bootable SDcard method does not work anymore....(that file PX6_A10_IGV.img file was created by me -my initials)...in my case..the unit went to black screen withou doing anythng....you can try and keep it during some minutes waiting for the recovery partitio to upgrade....

    2) if not working...download a FULL ANdroid 10 image (not OTA) and try the same method with the full image.

    3) If not working try this simple method: on a FAT32 formatted SDcard just copy the A10 OTA file (update.zip) and reboot with the Sdcard inserted and try again to enter into recovery. Some guys reported that after inserting the SDCARD and booting...the recovery menu was again accessible.

    ONCE YOU GET INTO THE RECOVERY MENU, check the version of that menu....depending on the version of the menu 11/.... or 10/.... (it can be read on the third line of the recovery menu) you have to use the OTA update correspondong to that version.

    4) if nothing of above worked....you must a complete flashing (you will need a USBA to USBA cable)

  • Thanks alot @Iker Gomez . Your info is so great ❤️

    One more question. I have not been able to find the "FULL Android 10 image" mentioned at 2). Do you have a link?

    Unfortunatly i'm going on hollyday the next days with limited time to tinker!


  • I found this this thread with lots of stuff to try: https://www.dasaita.com/community/forum/topic/62118/image-update-android-10-to-android-11?

  • Tried option 1,2 and 3 with no luck until now. Now awaiting USB-A to USB-A cable for option 4 :-)

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