UI Questions: UI not showing USB A, USB B drives

  • HA2202-Vivid10-CP-HD:  unit wired into a 1997 4Runner.   I am configured to use Toyota Rav4.  I have the USB cables (black) harness and the USB cable (grey) plugged into the unit and seated, correctly.  The grey cable connects with apple carplay just fine.  When I plug the USB stick into the USB A or B cable, the stick lights up but the UI does not show the drive in Fileviewer tool or as local music.  The UI only shows an icon with mini SSD.   My user manual is dated for non-Vivid UI.  I have been able to figure most items out but am stumped on this one. 


  • Correction:  It turned out to be a specific thumb drive that the unit could not read.  When a valid drive is plugged into the USB, I can see the drive and files in the FileBrowser app and the radio local music folder list. 


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