Firmware and Release Notes with bugs fixed

  • Hi Yuan, is possible always add bugs fixed when  there are new firmware ? I would like to know which bug fix the new MAX10 Version:HA3_rk3399_10.0_ota(20211116) because I installed the 20211015 and I don't have problems, but if new version add new features or fix some problems can decide to update.

    Please will be appreciate the staff work to add the complete release note.

    Thanks in advance

  • Indeed. I updated to latest A11 release (12April) to check bt fix and... Nothing. Then IMG upgrade to 13April and still nothing.

    So, downgrade to A10 March release and bt work again. But a changelog can help to not lost a lot of time in uniseful and full of risk upgrade just in hope some specific bug are fixed.

    This need to be optimized.

    Now, if i upgrade to latest A10 April release, what is the changelog? By continue to work or i lost again? Some info are necessary.

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