Spotify / Android Auto assigned to front panel touch key

  • I am trying to map the front panel touch key on my Dasaita G12 so that the music icon opens up spotify. Is this possible? Then I would like the navigation icon to launch Android auto. I see an option for carplay but not android auto. When I go into the touch key settings there is no icon for apps that I have downloaded ... Is this possible to do?


    I will never use the built in music application. Further more in the launcher home screen I would really like to be able to display Spotify there. 

    Thanks in advance for any help.

  • @Brandon Zarbo Sorry that we do not support the function now, but you could map one of the key with carplay, then you could play spotify in the carplay, and you could press the button to control it.

  • @Support Dasaita I have an adroid phone though. Does it allow you to map android auto to this button? I saw the carplay icon... But would it do android auto? 


  • @Brandon Zarbo I asked for the ability to customize the behavior of the panel buttons as well. Seems like a good feature to add. I'd like to have "Radio" launch NavRadio+ (works great on the G12 btw!) and Music launch YT Music. Otherwise, I'll probably never use either of those buttons.

  • @Brandon Zarbo Normally it's for zlink, we are wondering if you have tried to setup the button to verify it.

  • @Jeff Johnson Sorry that we could not customize that apps now, but our engineers have already been working in the optimization. Once the optimization finished, we will release in the forum. Your understanding will be appreciated.

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