Update for Vivid 11 PX6 - Zlink stuck on activating sometimes

  • Hi, 

    I have Vivid 11 unit on PX6 which I bought last year August. The unit seems to be generally working well apart from some minior issues such as the unit keeps changing between day and night mode even when it's sunny and Z link does not connect immediately if I return to the home screen or leave the vehicle.

    Given the above, I want to confirm whether there is an update to to both the MCU and Android head unit. Also, is there an update to Zlink as well.

    For ease of reference, please find attached pictures of my build and MCU Version



  • Android and MCU version

  • If there are new software updates, please send me the links to both the current versions of the MCU and Android version updates as well as the full instructions on how to download and save the updates and how to update this to the unit. Thanks

  • @Tilly O We are wondering if you would like to update to the latest version.

    Vivid 11 Version Make Sure your unit is PX6 Andorid 11(With scout Map)



    If the zlink still could not play well, you could try to clear the cache on both your phone and the head unit(Notification & App)

  • I download the file, try to:

    put update.zip in usb pen drive , not working

    unzip update .zip an put in the usb pen the folder update...not working

    put the file of update folder in the root of usb pen drive and not workin

    can you help me please.

  • @marco scognamiglio We could not found any communication of your after-sales problem, please kindly let us know and further tutorial will be provided once getting your reply.

  • I have the same problem with zlink  di tillyo

  • @marco scognamiglio Here are the trouble shootings of your case. 

    1. Confirm if the name of the firmware file is "update.zip", if NO, please unzip the file. In your case, we suggest you could re-download the firmware.

    2. Make sure to formate the USB flash disk((FAT32 Format)) before putting the firmware into it.

    3. Make sure to put the file into the directory.

    4. If still no luck, please try to use the OEM USB port or the dual-USB port.

    5. If the 4th step fail, please try another USB or SD card.

    6. Last but not the least, plug the USB drive into any of the head unit USB ports and remove any other USBs that could be connected on other ports. 

  • .

  • @Support Dasaita I would defintely like to update as i believe this may solve some of the issues I am facing. One question I have is in relation to formatting of the USB flash disk (FAT32 Format). On formatting the USB stick to FAT32 it still contains the "System Volume information" Can this be left on the stick with the update file or does this need to be removed prior tio including the update file.

  • @Tilly O We suggest you to remove all the file and put the update.zip into the stick's directory.

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