Vivid Hotspot Config: I can't turn on tethered hot spot switch.

  • My iphone connects via zlink just fine wirelessly.  If I plug it into the grey USB port, Does Zlink autmatically got to tethered mode?  How is the Tethered hot spot switch enabled so it can be turned on?


  • Here is my use case:   

    1. Plugged in iphone to grey USB connector. 
    2. Turn on the head unit.  
    3. Settings/Wifi-network/Hotspot
    4. Try to turn on the tethered switch but it won't do anything when clicked

    The iphone knows its plugged into the USB(Grey).   Could there be a bug in the tethered option on/off control?  It seems if this switch would work and the head unity knows that I am tethered, I would not need to go thru this sequence to get Android apps internet connectivity.

    1. Turn on unit and plug in phone
    2. Apple CarPlay auto connects
    3. Go to Settings/Network/Hotspot
    4. Since tethered option does not activate in the UI when clicked, I turn on Wifi Hotspot 
    5. Go to Seetings/Netowork/Wifi
    6. Turn ON and then connect to my iphone

    Now Adroid apps will connect. 



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