Trouble with the rearview camera. Toyota 4runner 2010. Vivid 11

  • Hi!
    Installed Dasaita Android 11, Vivid 11 launcher.
    Problem with the rear view camera. The view is very bad. Installed a new digital camera, the situation has not changed, the view is just as bad. Also can't get rear camera image in F-Cam app. 
    Can you please tell me how to fix this problem? Is there any way to configure the camera programmatically? Maybe I connected it wrong? 

  • @Arman Kabiyev your camera display depends on the camera sensor and resolution.

    Usually old reverse stock cameras are low resolution, but with low sized screens that is not noticeable.

    When adapting the image to bigger screens and higher resolution screens you can see the pixelated image.

    Check which camera did you purchase and the specifications.

    Regarding the f-cam is for front cam....not reverse. Reverse cam can only be viewed by means of reverse gear.

  • Hi!, I also have the Vivid 11 on my 2017 non JBL 4Runner, I know the backup cam used to work, but then I changed the canbus settings and now it doesn't, dumb move I know! Anywho, I could have sworn there was an app like f-cam on Max 10 that allowed rear cam view without having to put in reverse, also, is Dasaita ever planning to make a canbus option specifically for the 4Runner? Thanks!

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