Dadaista PX6 Italy - Vivid 7.1.3860

  • Dear support, I received Vivid update notification and update it.

    Now in the standard layout, left panel the navigatio map is missing.

    Clock and speedometer are shown


    How can I set back the map that was so nice feature?

  • @Mcgyver83 Sorry that as to some authorization issue, we could not put the Google map on the widget now. If you want that version, you may need firmware before October, 2023. Please let us know if you want to update that firmware.

  • Would be nice to rollback to firmware before 7.1.3860.

    I'm also looking for 7.1.3860 changelog, to check if I need any update introduced in latest version or if I'm fine with the previous one.

    No way to configure in the left panel "a picture in picture / overlay" rendering of google maps app?

  • @Mcgyver83 Here is the previous version:

    Sorry to tell you that we are still studying on the configuration of the left widget, once there is new version to get the problem resolved, we will released the ROM on the forum.

  • Many thanks for the quick support!

    How can I install above firmware?

    A red many complains about Dasaita support bit I can give only good feedback!

  • @Mcgyver83 Did you mean that you suffer from error while you are trying to update the firmware?

  • @Support Dasaita No no, I had a smooth updare.
    Clicked, waited and after e reboot all good.

    But having the map is really better than the speedometer and clock so now I'm interested in having the map back :)


    How I should "update" (rollback in fact) using "" file?
    I have to copy the update on a usb drive, fat32 format, plug in usb port and perform update? From which menu?


  • @Mcgyver83 Normally it will automatically pop up an update window, please just click and update accordingly. If you have seen the window, please go to Settings > System > and update the firmware.

  • @Support Dasaita

    To update to 7.1.3860 I got a popup suggesting to update.

    Now you provided me a dropbox link with "" file to rollback to previous vivid and have the map back in place.

    How I can use this file to rollback?

  • @Mcgyver83 We are glad to tell you that we may release a new firmware in about February that could customize the left widget.  Please let us know if you prefer to wait for it or just roll back to the previous version. Rolling back to the previous version is the same as updating to new firmware. Here are steps of how to update.

  • Super happy to know this!
    I will wait the new update :)

    Thumbs up for Dasaita support team!

  • @Support Dasaita I just installed 7.1.3862 but still have speedometer and clock in the left panel, classic cockpit settings.


  • @Mcgyver83 Hey, we are still testing the new firmware of left widget. Your patience will be appreciated.

  • Ok, thanks!

    @Support Dasaita  Have a nice day!

  • @Mcgyver83 can you share apk of version 7.1.3862? What's improved? Is updating worth it? Thank you. 

  • @Henry T I don't know how to get it.

    I got the update fo. The head unit general menu, not from PlayStore.

  • @Support Dasaita I installed 7.2.4023 two days ago but I still have meteo & speedometer widget as left panel in classic theme home page.

    Right after installing the update left panel become grey and after a reboot was back to weather and speedometer....


    Any update?

  • @Mcgyver83 Please try update the firmware.


  • @Support Dasaita Thanks, I will update as soon as possibile.
    This is a firmware update, right?
    I'm a bit confused because there is "Vivid" android launcher (basically an android app) and also Vivid firmware (like Scout, Max10, Vivid).

    "" above is a full android firmware, right?

  • @Support Dasaita 

    Dear Dasaita customer support, Just like OP i update via OTA to the last Vivid available on my Android 10 PX6 (bought on italian Amazon, don't know if that matters) and got the missing map launcher problem.

    I downloaded the telenav_vivid_rk3399_11.0_ota(20240302) you uploaded in your last post and tried to install it, but It fails in recovery with the following error:

    What's your suggestion? Shoud we wait for a new Vivid rom update for our device or we mettere switch to any of the other flavours?

    Thank you for your support, best customer support and community for an android Tab I've ever seen.

    Kind regards,


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